Showing 150 Result(s)
Sunday Sewing
Art & Crafts Art & Crafts for adults Art & Crafts for kids Fashion Lifestyle Motherhood

Sunday Sewing

Sometimes Evelyn really surprised me when asking to do something which I considered dangerous! Evelyn asked me if she could make a dress for her barbie and she wanted to sew it with a needle all by herself! Okay, I’ll help her I suggested… “Why don’t you draw the design of the dress on a …

Lifestyle Motherhood

A Pair of Ears

Ad Have I told you about the time when Evelyn had a foreign object stuck in her ear once? Please don’t ask. I have no idea why she would put things in her ears. It was something I expect Ethan to do but not Evelyn! lol! Well, let me take you back three years ago, …

How to make a marble run
Art & Crafts Art & Crafts for adults Art & Crafts for kids Motherhood

How to make a marble run.

If you have been following our social media then you may have noticed that we have been doing a few experiments here and there. Today, my Ethan, 9 yo, has taken the task to write/ type this little experiment up so that other people can also enjoy doing the experiement as well. He did all …

Why You Might Want to Encourage Your Child to Study Abroad
Lifestyle Motherhood Travel

Why You Might Want to Encourage Your Child to Study Abroad

When you are getting ready to wave goodbye to your child as they prepare to head off to university, there are no doubt going to be a million and one questions and doubts buzzing around your head. But despite the apprehension that you, and they, feel, every parent wants their child to have an unforgettable …

Lifestyle Motherhood Travel

You Only Get 18 Summers – #18SummerWishList

It pouring down outside right now so I have an excuse to do some catching up on my blog which has been rather neglected since the school broke up for the summer holiday. Summer this year has gone really fast for us. Perhaps, its the good weather we’ve been having. I was tagged at the …

Summer is here! 15 Sun Safety & Water Safety Tips.
Lifestyle Motherhood

Summer is here! 15 Sun Safety & Water Safety Tips.

  Hooray! Summer if here! Well, it’s been here for a while now and the first tips I’ve been shouting about on my blog over a couple of days ago is to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Check out my post on how to keep hydrated with HydrateM8 – Reusable Water Bottles here.     …

Safe and Fun Spring: Tips for Creating Kids Friendly Backyard
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